- 2 6-ounce filets beef tenderloin
- 2 6-ounce filets veal tenderloin
- Herb Rub:
- 2 cup fresh basil, chopped
- 2 cup fresh parsley, chopped
- 1 tablespoon oregano, dry
- 1 tablespoon thyme, dry
- 2 tablespoons garlic, chopped
- 2 cup Marsala wine
- 2 cup honey
- 2 cup olive oil
- Stuffing:
- 1 cup arugula, stemmed
- 2 roasted peppers, sliced
- 2 portabella mushrooms, sliced
- 12 ounces fresh Mozzarella cheese
- Root Vegetables:
- 4 cup parsnips, julienne
- 4 cup turnips, julienne
- 4 cup red onion, julienne
- 2 cup carrots, julienne
- 2 cup celery root, julienne
- 5 cloves garlic, sliced
- 1 cup Marsala wine
- 1 cup beef broth
- 2 cup butter
Combine ingredients for herb rub in a food processor; set aside. Pound beef and veal filets to a 4-inch thickness (place them between 2 sheets of saran wrap). Generously brush filets with herb mixture. Lay beef filets on a working surface and cover them with arugula. Lay veal filets on top of beef. Place remaining stuffing ingredients onto veal and roll into a cylinder while tucking in the ends. Tie roulade with butcher?s string and continue. Preheat oven to 350ºF. Place cast iron skillet on medium-high heat Add roulades and 1teaspoon olive oil to skillet and brown evenly; turning frequently. Remove to a sheet tray and place in oven for about 20 minutes. Add root vegetables to hot skillet and sauté for about 3 minutes. Deglaze vegetables with Marsala wine and beef stock. Let mixture simmer while meat is baking in oven. Add butter to vegetable mix to thicken. Remove roulades from oven and take off strings. Evenly place vegetables onto 4 serving plates. Thinly slice roulade and divide onto plates; fanning across the vegetables. Pour any sauce remaining in skillet over plates; serve immediately.