Serves 12
- 1 whole large brisket of beef
- 1 tablespoon paprika
- 1/4 cup Lawry?s seasoning salt
- 1 bottle of Heinz 57 chile sauce
- 1 tablespoon coarse ground pepper
- 1 bottle of red wine
- 4 pounds Spanish onions, peeled and sliced (broken into rings)
- 1 large can of beef broth
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 1/2 cup molasses
- 1/4 cup butter
- 1/2 cup brown sugar
Rinse and pat dry the brisket of beef. Season generously with seasoning salt and black pepper. Sear off in a hot oven (500 degrees) for 30 minutes. Turn over and sear the other side for 30 minutes. Meanwhile caramelize the onions. Procedure: Heat the olive oil and butter in a large skillet. Add the onions broken into rings. Sweat with lid on for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove the lid and continue cooking, adding the paprika and stirring so the onions brown evenly and do not stick. This process will take 45 minutes, do not rush the onions so that they burn. If they do burn you will have to throw them away because the burned taste will go completely through the onions. Remove the brisket from the oven and add the caramelized onions, distributing evenly over the brisket. Mix the remaining ingredients together and pour over the brisket with the caramelized onions. Bake at 350 degrees for an additional 3 hours and 30 minutes or until completely tender. Remove the onion from off the top of the brisket and set aside. Remove the brisket from the pan and set aside. Cool. Drain the remaining sauce from the pan and cool completely. The fat will congeal on the top. Skim off fat. Slice the brisket on the diagonal and return it to the pan. Add the onions and sauce. Keep chilled until you need to warm it up for service. Warm in a 350 degree oven until hot and serve.