- Butter Crumb Topping:
- 1 cup flour
- 1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons butter
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 6 small (2 to 21/2-inch)
- apples, pared, quartered and cored
- 6 tablespoons raisins or dried cranberries
- 6 to 9 tablespoons brown sugar
- cinnamon
- 3 teaspoons butter, if desired
Butter Crumb Topping: Beat ingredients in small mixing bowl at low speed until particles are fine. Sprinkle on top of filling. Microwave as directed in recipe. Tops 1 casserole or pie, or 6 dumplings. Place one apple (4 quarters) in each of six 5- or 6-ounce custard cups. Top with 1 tablespoon raisins or dried cranberries, 1 to 11/2 tablespoons brown sugar, dash cinnamon, and 1/2 teaspoon butter. Place about 1/4 cup butter crumb topping on top. Place cups in ring on wax paper in oven. Microwave at high 7 to 10 minutes or until apples are tender; rearranging and rotating cups every 3 minutes. (Small pears or peaches may be substituted for apples.) One or two desserts can be made. Refrigerate remaining crumb topping and make more desserts as desired. For each dessert microwave 11/2 to 21/2 minutes; rotating cups after half the time when baking 2 or more.