The Ohio Food Forum

The Ohio Food Forum took place on May 2nd at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center in Columbus, Ohio. 37 local companies exhibitied their products at the event while 20 local buyers were in attendance. Companies displayed their products at the 4-H Center in a...

ODA University: Ohio Proud 101

The Ohio Department of Agriculture is hosting an exciting new intership program this summer! Selected interns from across the state have been chosen to work with different divisions of the agency. This week marked the orientation process for the interns and the first...

Ring in the New Year with Ohio Proud!

Can you believe it is almost 2013?  Crazy! 2012 just flew by! If your New Year’s Eve planning got lost in the holiday shuffle, chances are you will be doing some frantic party planning over this weekend. But there is no need to fret!  There is still plenty of time to...

Last minute gift idea: Ohio Proud gift basket

If you are like me, this holiday season just snuck up out of nowhere!  Hard to believe that my own family’s holiday celebrations start in about 51 hours.  That means I have 51 hours to clean the house, wrap the gifts, cook the pot roast and pack the car.  Ahh! It also...

Now on Pinterest!

What is better than delicious and awesome OHIO products?  How about recipes, gift and projects ideas using OHIO products? Introducing the Ohio Proud Pinterest boards!  We will add content that will highlight Ohio Proud partner companies, products, ingredients, DIY...