- 2 pounds perch filets
- 1/2 cup flour
- 4 each eggs, whipped
- 1 cup corn flour
- 1 cup corn mea
- 1 small white onion, minced
- salt and pepper to taste
- 1/2 can beer
- 1 each egg
- vegetable oil
Whip 4 eggs and set aside. Mix corn meal and corn flour. Season fish with salt and pepper; lightly coating fish with flour and dipping into egg wash. Coat with corn meal mixture; frying in hot oil until golden brown. Remove fish from oil and hold hot until hush puppies are ready. Add 1 egg and beer to remaining corn meal mixture. Add onion and season with salt and pepper if needed. Use a spoon to dip and fry hush puppies; cooking until golden brown.