Step 1

Applicant goes to Join Ohio Proud (which I’ve updated) and creates a profile.

They will then see this screen (click to enlarge):

They will also receive this email:

Dear [contact],

You’ve now begun the application process for Ohio Proud membership!

The login information for your account is:

Email: [email]
Password: [password]

Your application is now pending.  To complete the application process, please click here and follow the instructions carefully.

Once your Ohio Proud application has been approved your business will be listed publicly on the Ohio Proud website.  You will also be able to log in and manage your profile by clicking here.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions!

–Ohio Proud


Step 2

When the applicant receives the email, they now have access to complete the Online application.  If they go to the MANAGE YOUR ACCOUNT link at the top they will see this:

When they’re on the About tab this will display:

When they’re on the Application tab this will display:

Step 3

Once the Ohio Proud online application is submitted, they will see the following.  They will also receive an email with the same information, along with the full application.

Step 4

Once the fee and license agreement are received and the application is approved, the applicant will receive an email with the following:

Dear [contact],

Welcome to Ohio Proud!

The login information for your account is:

Email: [email]
Password: [password]

Now that your Ohio Proud application has been approved your business will be listed publicly on the Ohio Proud website. Click here to manage your online profile.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions!

–Ohio Proud


The new member may now complete their online profile, including writing a full business description, uploading their logo, images, social media links, and products.