Produce Availability

Fresh Produce Harvest Calendar

Produce Storage Information:

Additional information not included in chart above

1These are suggested storage temperatures Cold 32?– 40?F | Cool 45?– 50?F | Warm 55?– 60?F

Apples2 Store at room temperature less than 7 days, refrigerator more than 7 days.

Dry Onions3 Store dry onions and potatoes in well ventilated pantry areas. Protect potatoes from light to avoid greening.

Potatoes4 Storage season through March.

Raspberries5 Until first Frost

Winter Squash5 Storage Season through November

Hydroponic Cucumbers/Tomatoes6 March to December

Special Note on Availability

Local weather may affect harvest dates from one year to the next. Climatological differences between southern and northern Ohio affects harvest dates. Many Ohio fruits and vegetables are available beyond the indicated harvest periods through modern storage techniques and facilities.