Find a Farm Market

Find a Farm Market

farm-marketFarm Market is a location where a producer offers fruits, vegetables, and other items for sale. These products are usually sold at the farm where they were grown. Generally, the market is open daily during the growing season.

Find a Farmer's Market

Farmers-MarketFarmers’ Market is a location where several producers congregate to offer fruits, vegetables, flowers, plants, etc. These markets are often located in a public parking lot or at a local fairground. During the harvest season, most markets are open once or twice a week.

Find a Pick Your Own

Pick-Your-OwnPick-your-own describes a farm where the grower allows customers to pick their own produce directly from the field or orchard. These markets are typically open every day during the product’s harvest season.

Find a Roadside Market

Road-SideRoadside Market is located along the road where it is convenient for customers to purchase produce on the way to their final destination. These markets are often open daily during the harvest season.

Find a Christmas Tree Farm

icon_tree-marketChristmas Tree Farms are locations where the customer may cut their own, select pre-cut trees, or purchase balled and burlap trees. Many locations offer trees and shrubs for landscaping purposes throughout the year.